C3 heavy duty Flex Tank

NEW: collapsable watertank. Watertank made of heavy duty reinforced pvc material. Beware with hot items material will melt when over 70 degrees Celsius
Included: 6 supporting poles, a lit or cover, repair set.

  • 50, 100, 160, 250, 500, 750 or 1000 liters
  • Nato stock number on request.

Fuel Storage Tanks

Portable Diesel Fuel Storage Tanks, manufactured specifically for static and stationary fuel storage. They can be easily transported rolled up to any job location.

  • Capacity 10.000, 20.000 or 30.000 liters
  • Durable, rugged materials
  • Please protect with tarpaulin ground cover
C3 International
Bremstraat 30
7161CE Neede
The Netherlands

KVK: 39060718
NATO number: H1YB7
C3 News
C3 International continues to improve upon it's current product range with our new range of specialised reflective foils. More info will follow shortly.